Wills & Succession Lawyers
Ensure you and your loved ones are protected for generations to come
Personal Estates in Louisiana
what could happen to your property and assets
How Louisiana Law Handles Personal Estates
why a having a valid and updated will is important
The Role of a Will in Louisiana Law
Having a valid, up-to-date Last Will & Testament ensures that your affairs will be handled according to your plans and choices. If you die without a will, Louisiana law dictates who receives your assets according to how your family relationship is viewed by the state.
It is important to protect yourself and your family with a legally binding will. The best way to accomplish this is to sit down with a trusted attorney who will strive to understand your wishes and ensure that your property will be distributed after you're gone according to the provisions that you make. Our team can also help you with other aspects of estate planning to avoid potential end-of-life burdens on your family, as well as to arrange guardianship or provide for any children who are underage or have special needs.
how louisiana law applies to inheritance
What Is a Forced Heir?
louisiana law and division of property
What is Included in a Personal Estate
It is essential to understand what is included in your estate under Louisiana law. Your estate is made up of your accumulated assets and property, such as homes or land you own, bank accounts, investments, or personal belongings. If you’re married, your estate half of any property acquired while you are married, as well as the following forms of separate property as defined by Louisiana law:
- Property owned before marriage.
- Property gifted to one spouse during the marriage.
- Property inherited by one spouse during the marriage.
Although annuities, retirement plans, and insurance policies with named beneficiaries are all considered part of your personal estate, they do not have to go through succession to be transferred as other forms of property do.
louisiana law and division of property
What is the Marital Portion?
other estate planning considerations
Power of Attorney in Louisiana
As part of the estate planning process, you will probably want to think about who you might trust to make important decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. We can help you create the appropriate legal documents to authorize a person to make healthcare decisions for you or manage your finances in the event that you are unable to do so yourself. Depending on your desires and circumstances, you can specify what rights your power of attorney agreement will grant, what records or assets your representative can access, and whether the relationship is limited to specific situations or can be made permanent in the event that long-term assistance is required. You can also be assured that your wishes are documented and will be respected, even if you are unable to advocate for yourself.